Beginner's Guide
Create a Character
1. Double click the game icon on the desktop.

2. Click "START GAME" after the update

3. Choose a server and enter your account and password.

4. Click "Create a Chct"

5. Choose the character setting

6. Enter your name and other info.

7. Set PIN which can make your account safer and keep it away from being stolen.

8. Input your ID and password to confirm PIN setting.

9.Click "Enter game" and start to play.

--How to advance to lvl 20 quickly
After creating your character, you will be teleported to see Angel Raphael. Click Angel Raphael to make a conversation.

You will be required to choose your class. After choosing your class, you should talk to Raphael again.

You will be instructed to complete your first quest that is to wear your equipment.

By completing your quest, you will obtain a Newborn Gift Box, but there is a level limit for you to open it.

Then you will be asked to buy an item from the NPC who is on her right hand.

Item Store

Remember to check the number of the item in the bottom right corner (only need 1), then confirm and hand the quest to Angel Raphael.

After finishing the quest, you will be teleported to Fighting Palace, and then click the NPC to accept new quest.

You will kill 2 Slarms with ease according to the NPC's prompts.

After finishing the quest, you will be teleported to Angel Lyceum, you will start your adventures..

Click the NPC (Director Wolay) to know about the basic game controls, and you can right click to pass the conversation you don't need.

Click the third option to accept quest (OK,I have no questions)

You will be asked to find Angels' tutor to accept new quests.

Press ATL+Q open quest list, and tick the small square box to track your quest.

Find Angels' Tutor (Angel lyceum 178,91)

Talk to the NPC, and we suggest choosing first option below, because if you choose the second option, you will choose the faction you want to fight for and lose the chance to obtain the equipment for excellent student, and it's also hard for you to lvl up in the future.

After choosing the first option, you will be given a quest to find 3 tutors to sign up for training.

First of all, find Battle Professor and get his signature.

Secondly, find Magic Professor and get his signature.

Thirdly, Find Mine Professor and get his signature.

At last, hand your quest to Angels' Tutor.

The Quests for You to Obtain Credits
The followings are the specific details for you to obtain credits, and these quests are your best ways to lvl up.
By clicking Angels'Tutor(Angel lyceum 178,91), you will have 5 options to choose from, and the 3 NPCs will help you to obtain credits. Check out the quest log (ALT+Q) to know how many credits you accumulate.

For instance, find Battle Professor to know about the quest for credits.

The second option is a quest, and the lvl of the quest will determine how much credits you can obtain. You can accept the quest for 3 credits at most.

Battle Professor (Angel lyceum 223.86): Kill 10 Slarms and hand the quest to battle professor, and then you will obtain 1 credit. There are many slarms in Angel lyceum and East\West Playground.

Magic Professor (Angel lyceum 167.117): kill 10 lily and then hand the quest to Magic Professor, you will obtain 1 credit. There are many lily in Angel lyceum and East/West Playground.

Mine Professor (Angel lyceum187.41): only players who belong to the production system can accept the quest!
Find the NPC and choose the second option.

You can choose the quests (2~3 quests can be accepted at the same time) as below and complete them according to prompts. Each quest is worth1 credit (choose the quests according to your skills).

For instance, press ALT+X to check out the skill list, if you have lumber skill, you will be able to accept "Lumbering", and the required material can be found in Angel Lyceum and East/West Playground. (you should ride on your robot when collecting material). 
If you don't have corresponding skills, you will not be able to accept the corresponding quests. Otherwise you find Skill Angel(Angel lyceum202.97) and change your skills. But we don't recommend that you major in production system instead of battle system, because your battle ability will be sharply decreased.

Battle Professor (Angel lyceum 223.86): Kill 15 Water Elf and hand the quest to Battle Professor to obtain 2 credits. The monsters are in East/West Playground.

Magic Professor (Angel lyceum 167.117): Kill 15 Wind Elves and hand the quest to Magic Professor to obtain 2 credits. The monsters are in East/West Playground.

Battle Professor (Angel lyceum 223.86):Kill 15 Earth Elves and hand the quest to Battle Professor to obtain 3 credit.

Magic Professor (Angel lyceum 167.117): Kill 15 Fire Elves and hand the quest to Magic Professor to obtain 3 credit. The monsters are in East/West Playground.

Lvl 1~10 players should better accept 1~2 credit quests, lvl 10~20 players should accept 3 credit quests. Players who belong to battle system can accept 2 quests from Battle Professor and Magic Professor, so you can save a lot of time and work on your quests effectively. Players who belong to production system are able to accept quests from 3 tutors at the same time, but due to their low attack power, they should better mainly accept quests from Mine Professor.
You will be able to apply for graduation at Angels' Tutor (Angel lyceum 178,91) when obtaining 5 credits. You can also choose to quit the training and start to fight for your faction by talking to the NPCs in 4 main cities. But we don't suggest this option, because your lvl is not high enough, so it's difficult to lvl up. What's worse, you will lose the chance to obtain big rewards from the "Top Student Training" quest.

Top Student Training Quest
If you have 15 credits or above, you can find Michael (Angel lyceum 214.111) and accept the Top Student Training Quest (second option).

Michael will ask you to collect 6 cores to summon the demon Qiuaner, by defeating the demon to complete the quest. You can obtain the 6 cores in Training Palace(2 entrances to Training Palace East Playground 176.113 or West Playground 176.113).

To Obtain Six Important Cores:
Little Gebuer may have a chance to drop Man Core

Wildwolf may have a chance to drop Beast Core

Brute Priest may have a chance to drop Immortal Core

Headless Armor may have a chance to drop Energy Core

Tree Elf may have a chance to drop Plant Core

Goat Demon may have a chance to drop Devil Core

If you have collected the 6 Devil Cores, you will be able to summon the mighty demon: Qiuaner

Demon: Qiuaner

TIPS: this boss is very powerful, if you haven't reach lvl 30 or above, you will not be able to kill him alone. And most players' lvls are probably between 15 and 20, so you should group with other players, and your team should contain 4 members at least including 1 tank , 1 healer and other players who can cause a large amount of damage. Notice: once you summon the boss, your six cores will disappear, but if you fail in the quest, you need to obtain the 6 cores again. If you don't want to collect the cores, you can group with those players who have the 6 cores.
By finishing the difficult quest, the lyceum Michael will treat you well. you will obtain some good equipment as rewards, and the equipment are enough for you to advance to lvl 30, and meanwhile you are the top student now, and can graduate from Angel Lyceum.