
Aurora City

Quest name:Knowing Aurora City
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Aurora City Aurora Angel Finishing the quest[Register at Aurora City Angel] No EXP+100,Honor+5
Description  Talk to the Explorer Lim near the Aurora Angel, to find out more about Aurora City and earn additional EXP.
Quest name:Reaching higher level
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Aurora City Aurora Angel Finishing the quest[Register at Aurora City Angel] No EXP+100,Honor+5
Description  Go back to see the Aurora Angel once you have reached Lvl 20 and Rank 2, she will give you an important quest.
Quest name:Inexperience
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Aurora City Explorer Lim Finishing the quest[Knowing Aurora City] No EXP+100,Honor+5
Description  Talk to the Guard Captain near the Aurora Angel, to find out more about Aurora City and earn additional EXP.
Quest name:Annihilating mice
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Spike Farm Spike Farmer Aurora Faction; Character Lvl 6+ No Gold+150,EXP+800,Honor+30
Description  Defeat the Field Mice and collect 10 of their tails. (the start of the Spike Farmer's series of quests.)
Quest name:Magic trick
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Spike Farm Spike Farmer Aurora Faction; Finishing the quest[Annihilating mice] No EXP+850,Honor+30,and Low-effect Red Potion 1 *5
Description  Defeat 20 Pumpkin Monsters (Spike Farmer's serial quest)
Quest name:The Scarecrow's protest
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Spike Farm Spike Farmer Aurora Faction No EXP+860,Honor+160,and one of the gears listed below: Traditional Armor,Traditional Vest,Traditional Magic Gown,Hard Shield.
Finishing the quest[Magic trick]
Description  Defeat 20 Scarecrows (Spike Farmer's serial quest)
Quest name:Sending parcels
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Spike Farm Spike Farmer Aurora Faction,Finishing the quest[The Scarecrow's protest] No EXP+200,Honor+30
Description  Hand the parcels to the Farm Mistress at Spike Farm,and then bring her parcels to the Manor Keeper at Sunflower Plain.(Spike Farmer's serial quest)
Quest name:Delicious Pumpkin Pie
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Spike Farm Farm Cook Aurora Faction Yes EXP+260,Honor+10
Character Lvl 6---Lvl 20
Description  Defeat the Pumpkin Monsters and collect [10 Pumpkins].
(Farm Cook's Random quest,repeatable.) 
Quest name:Maintain cleanness of surroundings
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Spike Farm Farm Cook Aurora Faction Yes EXP+320,Honor+10
Character Lvl 6---Lvl 20
Description  Defeat 20 Field Mice.
(Farm Cook's Random quest,repeatable.)
Quest name:Roasted Sashimi
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Spike Farm Farm Cook Aurora Faction Yes EXP+320,Honor+15
Character Lvl 6---Lvl 20
Description  Defeat the Jackstaws and collect 10 straws.
(Farm Cook's Random quest,repeatable.)
Quest name:The Pumpkin's bad deed
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Sunflower Plain Clerk Aurora Faction Yes EXP+390,Honor+20
Character Lvl 10---Lvl 25
Description  Defeat 20 Pumpkin Men.
Quest name:Preparation for winter
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Sunflower Plain Manor Keeper Aurora Faction Yes EXP+450,Honor+20
Character Lvl 10---Lvl 25
Description  Defeat the Tone Sheeps and collect [5 Sheep's Wolly Curls].
Quest name:Noise pollution
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Sunflower Plain Gardener Aurora Faction No Gold+250,EXP+1200,Honor+50
Character Lvl 10+
Description  Defeat 20 Tone Sheeps.
(the start of the Gardener's serial quest.)
Quest name:Awakening a Love of Music
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Sunflower Plain Gardener Aurora Faction No Gold+350,EXP+1300,Honor+55
Finishing the quest[Noise pollution]
Description  Defeat the Tone Sheeps and collect the quest item [Magic Flute]. (the Gardener's serial quest.)
Quest name:Rare Sheep Score
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Sunflower Plain Gardener Aurora Faction No EXP+1520,Honor+360,and one of the gears listed below:Courage Helmet,Wanderer's Cap,Harmony Cap.
Finishing the quest[Awakening a Love of Music?]
Description  Defeat the Sheep Music and collect the quest item [Beethoven's Score].  (the Gardener's serial quest.)
Quest name:Ardent recommendation
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Sunflower Plain Gardener Finishing the quest[Rare Sheep Score] No EXP+1400,Honor+55
Description  Go to find the Fishing Leader at Dawn Harbor after the Gardener's introduction.(the Gardener's serial quest.)
Quest name:Looking for fatman's Ring
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Sunflower Plain Rich Fatman Aurora Faction No Gold+550, EXP+1040 and Honor+55
Character Lvl 10+
Description  Defeat the Evil Slarms and collect the rare item [Ring of the Fat].
Quest name:Fetor on  deck
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Dawn Harbor Chef Aurora Faction Yes EXP+510,Honor+25
Character Lvl 15---Lvl 30
Description  Defeat the Grey Mice.
(the Chef's random quest,repeatable.)
Quest name:Side Dish-Salted Crabmeat
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Dawn Harbor Chef Aurora Faction Yes EXP+510,Honor+25
Character Lvl 15---Lvl 30
Description  Collect 10 Fresh Crab Meats.
(the Chef's random quest,repeatable.)
Quest name:Side Dish-Herb Tortoise Meat
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Dawn Harbor Chef Aurora Faction Yes EXP+450,Honor+25
Character Lvl 15---Lvl 30
Description  Collect 4 Fresh Turtle Meats.
(the Chef's random quest,repeatable.)
Quest name:Golden Island Legend
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Dawn Harbor Null Aurora Faction No EXP+600,Honor+25
Description  Defeat the Turtles and collect the rare items [Map Pieces], then go find the Retired Sailor.
Quest name:Protecting boss's right
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Dawn Harbor Barkeeper Aurora Faction No Gold+600,EXP+1580,Honor+70
Character Lvl 20+
Description  Go to the Riprap Coast and defeat 20 Riprap Pirates.
Quest name:Control plan of Sheep quantity
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Dawn Harbor Fisherman Aurora Faction Yes EXP+580,Honor+30
Character Lvl 20---Lvl 30
Description  Go to the Riprap Coast and defeat 20 Harp Sheep.
Quest name:Clearance of harbor
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Dawn Harbor Fishing Leader Aurora Faction No Gold+1000,EXP+1400,Honor+55
Character Lvl 15+
Description  Defeat the Turtles, Grey Mice and Soldier Crabs,20 in total.
(the start of the Fishing Leader's serial quest.)
Quest name:Request for military aid
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Dawn Harbor Fishing Leader Aurora Faction No EXP+400,Honor+30
Finishing the quest[Clearance of harbor]
Description  Give the Fishing Leader's call for help to the Deputy Colonel at Aurora City.  (Fishing Leader's serial quest.) 
Quest name:Being preemptive
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Dawn Harbor Fishing Leader Aurora Faction No EXP+2120,Honor+450,Common Red Potion 1 *5
Finishing the quest[Request for military aid]
Description  Go to the Riprap Coast and defeat the Vice Head Pirate.(Fishing Leader's serial quest.)
Quest name:Glory of Dawn Harbor
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Dawn Harbor Fishing Leader Aurora Faction No EXP+200,Honor+25,and one of the robots listed below:Pink Piggy,Yellow Piggy,Brown Piggy.
Finishing the quest[Being preemptive]
Description  After the Fishing Leader's introduction, go and visit the Cherry Village Leader.(Fishing Leader's serial quest.)
Quest name:Glory of Dawn Harbor
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Dawn Harbor Policeman Aurora Faction Yes EXP+590,Honor+30
Character Lvl 20---Lvl 35
Description  Go to Riprap Coast and defeat the Riprap Pirate Leaders.You need to collect [5 Pirate's Necklaces].
Quest name:Karter's Planning Book
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Riprap Coast Null Aurora Faction No EXP+800,Honor+60
Description  Find the Planning Book at Riprap Coast(189,36).Hand it to Sailor Bonny at Dawn Harbor and then give it back to Sailor Karter.
Quest name:Unknown brilliant necklace
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Riprap Coast Null Aurora Faction No Gold+800,EXP+800,Honor+25
Description  Defeat the Riprap Pirate Leader and collect the Broken Necklace,then go find the Countrylady in Cherry Village.  (the start of the Countrylady's serial quests.)
Quest name:Whether husband is alive or dead
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Cherry Village Countrylady Aurora Faction No EXP+400,Honor+70
Finishing the quest[Unknown brilliant necklace]
Description  The player will find many skeletons at Riprap Coast(42,96).After investigation, ythey'll find the key clues and proof about the death of the Countrylady's husband.(Countrylady's serial quests.)
Quest name:Father's legacy
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Cherry Village Countrylady Aurora Faction No EXP+800,Honor+65
Finishing the quest[Whether husband is alive or dead]
Description  Go to Aurora City for the Countrylady, and take the bad news to Newbie Timi.(Countrylady's serial quests.) 
Quest name:Citizen's plan to retake property
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Cherry Village Cherry's Leader Aurora Faction No EXP+1780,Honor+75,and one of the gears listed below:Courage Talisman,Intelligence Talisman,Body Talisman,Spell Talisman.
Character Lvl 22+
Description  Go to defeat the Riprap Pirate Leader at Riprap Coast, and collect the 3 keys to open the treasure chest. Bring back the treasure.
Quest name:Cherry Crab experiment
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Cherry Village Scholar Nilsson Aurora Faction No Gold+1100,EXP+1780,Honor+75
Character Lvl 22+
Description  Defeat the Cherry Crabs and collect 4 Cherry Crab Shells.(the start of Nilsson's serial quest.)
Quest name:Vanilla
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Cherry Village Scholar Nilsson Aurora Faction No Gold+1500,EXP+1780,Honor+75
Finishing the quest[Cherry Crab experiment]
Description  Defeat the Spine Turtles and collect 5 Vanilla Residue.  (Nilsson's serial quest)
Quest name:Potec's attack
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Cherry Village Scholar Nilsson Aurora Faction No EXP+2400,Honor+600,one of the gears listed below:Warrior Cuff,Shooter Gloves,Jade Gloves.
Finishing the quest[Vanilla]
Description  Defeat the Blue Potec.(Nilsson's serial quest)
Quest name:Plant research report
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Cherry Village Scholar Nilsson Aurora Faction No EXP+800,Honor+30
Finishing the quest[Potec's attack]
Description  Go to Crashing Hillock and give the research report to the Scholar Yale.  (Scholar Nilsson's serial quest.)
Quest name:Recruiting Cherry Militia
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Cherry Village Robust Yady Aurora Faction No EXP+1980,Honor+80
Character Lvl 22+
Description  Defeat 20 Spine Turtles. You can take Robust Yady's random quest after finishing this quest.
Quest name:Militia assignment-coast clearance
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Cherry Village Robust Yady Aurora Faction Yes EXP+670,Honor+35
Finishing the quest[Recruiting Cherry Militia]
character Lvl 20---Lvl 35
Description  Defeat 20 Cherry Crabs.(Robust Yady's random quest, repeatable.)
Quest name:Militia assignment-punishing pirate
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Cherry Village Robust Yady Aurora Faction Yes EXP+100,Honor+10
Finishing the quest[Recruiting Cherry Militia]
Character Lvl 20---Lvl 35
Description  Put the Militia Flag of Cherry Village at the Pirate's camp.(Robust Yady's random quest,repeatable.)
Quest name:Militia assignment-turtle shell armor
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Cherry Village Robust Yady Aurora Faction Yes EXP+740,Honor+35
Finishing the quest[Recruiting Cherry Militia]
Character Lvl 20---Lvl 35
Description  Defeat the Spine Turtles and collect 10 of their Shells.(Robust Yady's random quest,repeatable.) 
Quest name:Looking for Spy Angel
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Aurora City Aurora Angel Aurora Faction No EXP+200,Honor+25
Character Lvl 22+
Rank Lvl 2+
Description  Go to find the Aurora Angel once you are qualified then go to Dawn Habor to take the quest [Looking for Spy Angel].  (the start of serial primary quest.)
Quest name:Showing speed and destroying force
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Dawn Harbor Spy Angel(Aurora City) Aurora Faction, Finishing the quest[Looking for Spy Angel] No EXP+1500,Honor+60,Common Red Potion 1 *10
Description  Defeat 50 Grey Mice.(Serial primary quest.)
Quest name:Disguise
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Dawn Harbor Spy Angel(Aurora City) Aurora Faction, Finishing the quest[Showing speed and destroying force] No Gold+500,EXP+2000,Honor+80
Description  Defeat the Riprat Pirate Leader at Riprap Coast and collect the Secret Badge.(Serial primary quest.)
Quest name:Obtaining Asmode's trust
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Dawn Harbor Spy Angel(Aurora City) Aurora Faction, Finishing the quest[Disguise] No EXP+400,Honor+35
Description  Give the Secret Badge to Asmode at Riprap Coast.(Serial primary quest.)
Quest name:Are you evil enough?
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Riprap Coast Asmode(Aurora City) Aurora Faction, Finishing the quest[Obtaining Asmode's trust]and[Citizen's plan to retake property] No EXP+500,Honor+25
Description  Talk to the Spy Angel and ask the Cherry Village Leader for the necessary items.(Serial primary quest.)
Quest name:Magic Stone
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Riprap Coast Asmode(Aurora City) Aurora Faction,Finishing the quest[Are you evil enough?] No EXP+400,Honor+25
Description  Bring with the Hell Magic Stone given by Asmode and go to the secret place at Evil Lyceum.(Serial primary quest.) Magic stone is at Cherry Village(30,31).
Quest name:Evil Student Union Leader
Place  Quest Giver  Condition Repeatable Reward 
Mysterious Garden Null Aurora Faction,Finishing the quest[Magic Stone] No EXP+5000,Honor+850,and one of the gears listed below:Vein Sword,Vein Axe,Vein Bow,Vein Wand,Vein Spear.
Description  Go and defeat Asmode!(Serial primary quest. It is recommended that only a team attempts this.)