Angel Summer Sports Event!

Issued On: Jul. 4, 2024

Event Title
Angel Summer Sports Event!

Event Duration
July 04 2024 (Thursday, after maintenance) –Aug 01 2024 (Thursday, before maintenance), total of 28 days

All players from all servers

Event Intro
The annual summer holidays are approaching. Scorching summer days can make people feel too hot to move, and resting all day can easily make people drowsy and cause a decline in physical mobility. Therefore, Archangel Michael has organized a summer sports event! Simply take part in Daily Party, Angel Elementary, and Holy Battlefield to enjoy 2X EXP, 2X Skill EXP, and 2X Credits. At the same time, the entry fee for Angel Arena will be halved until August 1st, 2024. Let's get moving together!

※ 2X EXP given by each event will be double the actual EXP given by the original event.

1. During the event period, all Angels will get 2X EXP from daily events.

2. During the event period, all Angels will get 2X EXP from Angel Elementary.

3. During the event period, all Angels will get 2X EXP from Holy Battlefield.

4. During the event period, the entry fee for Angel Arena is halved.

5. During the event period, get 2X EXP and Gold for Order of Suft.