End of Spring Carnival Sale! At least 30% off for Pet-related goods!

Issued On: May. 23, 2024
  1. Event Title
    End of Spring Carnival Sale! At least 30% off for Pet-related goods!

  2. Event Duration
    May 23 2024 (Thursday, after maintenance) –May 30 2024 (Thursday, before maintenance), total of 7 days

  3. Participants
    All players from all servers

  4. Details
    Spring Carnival! To thank everyone for your steadfast support of Angels Online, there will be an Item Mall [Pet] sale this week, featuring a discount of at least 30%. The sale will last for only one week, so grab your purchases now!

  5. Adjustments

  1. Fixed the issue preventing "Limit Breaker" from working.

  2. Fixed issue preventing players from obtaining [1st Class Graduation Certificate] despite completing the mission [Training top student]. Angels who encountered this issue, please bring your [2nd Class Graduation Certificate] to the Angel Lyceum (194,91) and look for the NPC [Reissue Angel] to make an exchange.

  3. Fixed the translation issue for Bubble Bag