2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette Event

Issued On: Mar. 7, 2024

A. Event Title
2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette Event

B. Event Duration
March 7 2024 (Thursday, after maintenance)-April 4 2024 (Thursday, before maintenance)

C. Particioants
All players on Server

D. Story
Winter has passed, the spring breeze is blowing. The annual St. Patrick's Day is here! On this joyful holiday, the Luck Fairy is here again to play the St. Patrick's Day Roulette with everyone. Simply collect a certain number of [2024-Bronze Shamrock Tokens], [2024-Silver Shamrock Tokens], and [2024-Gold Shamrock Tokens] and you can participate in the St. Patrick's Day Roulette event, in which you'll have a chance to obtain special St. Patrick's Day PDs!

E. Details

1. During the event, the event NPC [Luck Fairy] will be available in the Angel Lyceum to provide event information and participation services.

※ The [Luck Fairy] will remain in the Angel Lyceum for one week after the event ends to provide item exchange services.

2. During the event, defeat monsters or collect resources above Lv 21 to get [2024-Bronze Shamrock Token].

3. During the event, simply collect 100 [2024-Bronze Shamrock Tokens] and you can participate in the [St. Patrick's Day Bronze Roulette] event. There are chances to obtain a [2024-Silver Shamrock Token] or varying amounts of [2024-Bronze Shamrock Tokens], but there's also a chance that you get nothing from a draw.

4. During the event, simply collect 10 [2024-Silver Shamrock Tokens] and you can participate in the [St. Patrick's Day Silver Roulette] event. There are chances to obtain a [2024-Gold Shamrock Token] or varying amounts of [2024-Silver Shamrock Tokens].

5. Price of [2024-Silver Shamrock Token]: 10 for 49 AG (Item Mall currency), 110 for 499 AG.

6. During the event, the [St. Patrick's Day Silver Roulette] consists of three types: 1x, 3x, and 5x, requiring 10, 30, and 50 [2024-Silver Shamrock Tokens], respectively. The higher the multiplier, the higher the chances of winning rewards.

7. During the event, simply collect 10 [2024-Gold Shamrock Tokens] and you can participate in the [St. Patrick's Day Gold Roulette] event and have a chance to obtain various [St. Patrick's Day special PDs].

F. New Item



2024-Bronze Shamrock Token

Shamrock token made from bronze. Obtained randomly by defeating monsters or gathering resources. Collect a certain amount to take part in St. Patrick's Day Bronze Roulette.
*2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette Event

2024-Silver Shamrock Token

Shamrock token made from silver. Obtained randomly by defeating monsters or gathering resources. Collect a certain amount to take part in St. Patrick's Day Silver Roulette.
*2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette Event

2024-Gold Shamrock Token

Shamrock token made from gold. Obtained randomly by defeating monsters or gathering resources. Collect a certain amount to take part in St. Patrick's Day Gold Roulette.
*2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette Event


Sorry, you didn't get any reward items. Please try again!

2024-Bronze Shamrock Token *50

Requires at least 1 empty slots in the bag. Open to get:
2024-Bronze Shamrock Token *50
*2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette Event

2024-Bronze Shamrock Token *30

Requires at least 1 empty slots in the bag. Open to get:
2024-Bronze Shamrock Token *30
*2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette Event

2024-Bronze Shamrock Token *10

Requires at least 1 empty slots in the bag. Open to get:
2024-Bronze Shamrock Token *10
*2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette Event

2024-Silver Shamrock Token *150

Requires at least 1 empty slots in the bag. Open to get:
2024-Silver Shamrock Token *150
*2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette Event

2024-Silver Shamrock Token *90

Requires at least 1 empty slots in the bag. Open to get:
2024-Silver Shamrock Token *90
*2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette Event

2024-Silver Shamrock Token *50

Requires at least 1 empty slots in the bag. Open to get:
2024-Silver Shamrock Token*50
*2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette Event

2024-Silver Shamrock Token *30

Requires at least 1 empty slots in the bag. Open to get:
2024-Silver Shamrock Token *30
*2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette Event

2024-Silver Shamrock Token *25

Requires at least 1 empty slots in the bag. Open to get:
2024-Silver Shamrock Token *25
*2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette Event

2024-Silver Shamrock Token *15

Requires at least 1 empty slots in the bag. Open to get:
2024-Silver Shamrock Token *15
*2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette Event

2024-Silver Shamrock Token *10

Requires at least 1 empty slots in the bag. Open to get:
2024-Silver Shamrock Token *10
*2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette Event

2024-Silver Shamrock Token *6

Requires at least 1 empty slots in the bag. Open to get:
2024-Silver Shamrock Token *6
*2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette Event

2024-Silver Shamrock Token *5

Requires at least 1 empty slots in the bag. Open to get:
2024-Silver Shamrock Token *5
*2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette Event

2024-Silver Shamrock Token *2

Requires at least 1 empty slots in the bag. Open to get:
2024-Silver Shamrock Token *2
*2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette Event

Enchanted-Shamrock Clothes Suitcase Ticket

Exchange for Shamrock Clothes Suitcase with the Luck Fairy during the event.
*Cannot be exchanged from the the 2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette event so exchange it promptly!
*2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette Event

Enchanted-Shamrock Clothes PD Ticket

Exchange for Shamrock Clothes PD with the Luck Fairy during the event.
*Cannot be exchanged from the the 2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette event so exchange it promptly!
*2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette Event

Enchanted-Shamrock Baton Ticket

Exchange for Shamrock Baton with the Luck Fairy during the event.
*Cannot be exchanged from the the 2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette event so exchange it promptly!
*2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette Event

Enchanted-Shamrock Clothes Suitcase (M)

Requires at least 6 empty slots in the bag. Open to get:
Enchanted-Shamrock Army Hat (M)
Enchanted-Shamrock Army Uniform (M)
Enchanted-Shamrock Mitts (M)
Enchanted-Shamrock Army Boots (M)
Enchanted-Shamrock Baton *2
*2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette Event

Enchanted-Shamrock Clothes Suitcase (F)

Requires at least 6 empty slots in the bag. Open to get:
Enchanted-Shamrock Army Hat (F)
Enchanted-Shamrock Army Uniform (F)
Enchanted-Shamrock Mitts (F)
Enchanted-Shamrock Army Boots (F)
Enchanted-Crimson Baton *2
*2024 St. Patrick's Day Roulette Event

Enchanted-Shamrock Army Hat (M)

Male gear.

Enchanted-Shamrock Army Uniform (M)

Male gear.

Enchanted-Shamrock Mitts (M)

Male gear.

Enchanted-Shamrock Army Boots (M)

Male gear.

Enchanted-Shamrock Army Hat (F)

Female gear.

Enchanted-Shamrock Army Uniform (F)

Female gear.

Enchanted-Shamrock Mitts (F)

Female gear.

Enchanted-Shamrock Army Boots (F)

Female gear.

Enchanted-Shamrock Baton


Enchanted-Crimson Baton


Enchanted-Shamrock Calf


Enchanted-Shamrock Baby Rabbit


Enchanted-Lucky Clown Chest


Style-Shamrock Steed

A steed ride appearance that brings luck.
* You must equip a [ride or robot] to display the relevant ride appearance.
* After equipping a robot, please move your character to display the ride appearance.

Style-Shamrock Goldfish

A goldfish appearance that brings luck.
* You must equip a [ride or robot] to display the relevant ride appearance.
* After equipping a robot, please move your character to display the ride appearance.

AdvancedBlood Certificate

Pet Certification. A pet at Lvl 55+ will become an advanced pet.

MediumBlood Certificate

Pet Certification. A pet at Lvl 35+ will become a medium pet.

Improved Pet Feed

Enhances the attack power of pet. Right click it and left click the required pet to use it.

Super Broadcasting

Be able to speak in a special channel after use.

Lucky Enhanced Pestle Voucher

Collect and turn in these tickets to the NPC Fortunia for some cool rewards!

Runestone Voucher

Players with the exchange voucher can go to the NPC Fortunia to exchange for runes or gems!

Lucky Hammer Voucher (SetAtb)

Collect and turn in these tickets to the NPC Fortunia for some cool rewards!

Ride Feed

Feed your ride. If it is successful, it will increase ride's attack 8%, ride's spell attack 8% and ride's speed of movement 2%. If it fails, the ride will die and disappear.

Lucky Hammer Voucher

Collect and turn in these tickets to the NPC Fortunia for some cool rewards!

20,000 Honor Bonus Voucher

Right click to use and increase the character's Honor by 20,000 points.

Beef Broth

Beef broth that's brewed for 2 hours using beef, potatoes, red grapes, and red wine.

Shepherd's Pie

Baked potatoes, cream, salt, and fresh milk are mixed together into a puree and then baked with meat sauce to form this salty pie.

Irish Coffee

Coffee made by mixing black coffee, whiskey, sugar, and a little cream.

Green Beer

Malt beer made of natural green pigments that is dripped into a clover placed at the bottom of the glass.

*Refer to game for the actual items

G. Enchanted-Shamrock Clothes Suitcase PD

H. Enchanted-Shamrock Calf

I. Enchanted-Shamrock Baby Rabbit

J. Enchanted-Lucky Clown Chest

K. Style-Shamrock Steed

L. Style-Shamrock Goldfish

M. St. Patrick's Day Bronze Roulette


N. St. Patrick's Day Silver Roulette