April’s Fool Event - Mischievous Kappas’ Game of Tag

Issued On: Mar. 31, 2022

A. Event Title

Aprils Fool Event - Mischievous KappasGame of Tag

B. Event Duration

March 31, 2022 (Thursday, after maintenance)- April 14, 2022 (Thursday, before maintenance)

C. Participants

Every player on every server.

D. Event Intro

Last year, everyone had a fun Aprils Fool with the real and fake princes. This time, the mischievous Kappas from Edo want to join in! They even plan to make fun of the little angels. Can the angels find the real Kappa in a large group of fake Kappas? How will these mischievous Kappas play tricks on everybody?

E. Details

1. The new NPC [Frisky Kappa] will be at the Angel Lyceum to provide event details and item exchange and to teleport players to the event map.

2. Talk to the NPC [Frisky Kappa] at the Angel Lyceum to teleport to the event map - [Courtyard].

3. The [Courtyard] will be filled with numerous [Frisky Kappas]. Find the real Kappa to get the [Fool's Token] and [Shapeshifting Frisky Kappa].

4. Get the required amount of [Fool's Token] and exchange them with the NPC [Frisky Kappa] at the Angel Lyceum for special event rewards.

5. Players can only take part in the event once per day. After that, players will be teleported to the map entrance if they talk to the [Frisky Kappa].

※Before entering, please ensure that there are at least 2 empty slots in the bag.

※[Shapeshifting Frisky Kappa] Remember to use it after obtaining it!

※The April’s Fool event is purely for entertainment purposes, so lets maintain a friendly gaming environment!

F. New Items



Fool's Token

Collect tokens and exchange them for items with the Frisky Kappa at the Angel Lyceum.

Shapeshifting Frisky Kappa

A shapeshifting item that is given by the real Frisky Kappa and vanishes after use. Its effectiveness remains to be seen.
* You might transform into something else instead.

Shapeshifting Pineapple Dude

Right-click to use and transform. Effect vanishes when you cast a spell.

Shapeshift Droplet Babe

Right-click to use and transform. Effect vanishes when you cast a spell.

Shapeshifting Sleepy Owl

Right-click to use and transform. Effect vanishes when you cast a spell.

G. Fool Event Items

Shapeshifting Frisky Kappa

Shapeshifting Pineapple Dude

Shapeshift Droplet Babe

Shapeshifting Sleepy Owl