2021 Summer Strife-4th Annual Melonfest

Issued On: Jul. 2, 2021

A. Event Title
2021 Summer Strife-4th Annual Melonfest

B. Event Duration
2021 Summer Strife-Watermelon Liquor Collection
July 1, 2021 (Thursday, after maintenance)-July 22, 2021 (Thursday, before maintenance)
2021 Summer Strife-Watermelon Liquor Calculation
July 22, 2021 (Thursday, after maintenance)-July 29, 2021 (Thursday, before maintenance)
2021 Summer Strife-Reward Exchange
July 29, 2021 (Thursday, after maintenance)-August 5, 2021 (Thursday, before maintenance)

C. Participants
Every player on every server

D. Event Intro
Thanks to the angels, the Melonfest rewards are ready! This year, we will be introducing a new game called [Rock Paper Scissors]. The existing features, [Incremental Exchanges], [Team Draw], and [Use Seeds to Gain Extra Team Draw Chances] will remain. Let’s see which team will emerge victorious!

E. Details

1. Players can approach [Walter-Purple] to commence [Team Draw] to be enrolled in one of the two teams: Watermelon Gin Team or Watermelon Vodka Team.

2. Players can obtain [Magic Watermelon Seeds 2021] from Lv 21 and higher monsters and materials in maps used to battle monsters and gather materials. The higher the level, the higher the drop rate.

3. Players can approach [Walter-Purple] to exchange the [Magic Watermelon Seeds 2021] for their relevant team’s Watermelon Liquor.

4. The number of seeds required to exchange for Watermelon Liquor will increase with each exchange: 250 Seeds (1st cup of Watermelon Liquor), 500 Seeds (2nd cup of Watermelon Liquor), 1,000 Seeds (3rd cup of Watermelon Liquor), 2,000 Seeds (4th cup of Watermelon Liquor onward).
Starting from the 2nd Watermelon Liquor exchange, players will also receive [Walter Blessing] for each exchange. The [Walter Blessing] received for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th exchanges will be different. From the 5th exchange onward, the [Walter Blessing] received will remain the same and the duration of the [Walter Blessing] effect will reset with each exchange.

5. Players can play Rock Paper Scissors with their relevant team leader ([Gin Team Leader] or [Vodka Team Leader]) and receive 2 cups of Watermelon Liquor when they win. The number of cups won will multiply with each victory, and only a maximum of 32 cups can be won. If players lose, they may not get a single cup of Watermelon Liquor, or the Watermelon Liquor cups won from the previous round will be reduced by half. Players can only play Rock Paper Scissors once daily.

6. Before the maintenance on 2021.07.08, players can attempt [Team Draw] again if they are not satisfied with the team drawn by giving [1,000 Magic Watermelon Seeds 2021] to [Walter-Purple]. [1,000 Magic Watermelon Seeds 2021] will be deducted for every draw attempted. Kindly note you may end up in the same team after each draw, so think twice before you proceed.

7. After the event ends, the total Watermelon Liquor cups acquired by each team will be calculated. The team with the most relevant Watermelon Liquor cups acquired may exchange the collected Watermelon Liquor cups for limited enchanted and event items while the losing team may exchange for a portion of the items.

F. Watermelon Liquor Exchanges

Times Exchanged

Seeds Consumed

Acquired Items and Effect



Watermelon Liquor (of relevant team) x1



Watermelon Liquor (of relevant team) x1
Walter Blessing-500



Watermelon Liquor (of relevant team) x1
Walter Blessing-1000



Watermelon Liquor (of relevant team) x1
Walter Blessing-2000



Watermelon Liquor (of relevant team) x1
Walter Blessing-2000

G. Rewards



Required Seeds

Enchanted-Holy Priest Set (M)

Requires at least 4 slots in your bag to open. Open to get:
Enchanted-Holy Priest Hat
Enchanted-Holy Priest Robe
Enchanted-Holy Priest Gloves
Enchanted-Holy Priest Shoes


Enchanted-Holy Priestess Set (F)

Requires at least 4 slots in your bag to open. Open to get:
Enchanted-Holy Priestess Hat
Enchanted-Holy Priestess Robe
Enchanted-Holy Priestess Gloves
Enchanted-Holy Priestess Shoes


Enchanted-Holy Bible

This exquisite bible emits a faint holy light. Its sheer thickness is handy for knocking people out.


Enchanted-Blackmelon Blade

A toy weapon that resembles a slice of watermelon.


Enchanted-Goldmelon Blade

A toy weapon that resembles a slice of watermelon.


Enchanted-Bluemelon Blade

A toy weapon that resembles a slice of watermelon.


Watermelon Gin Badge 2021

A badge modeled after the Tranquil Watermelon. It does not have any special ability.
2021 Summer Strife-4th Annual Melonfest


Watermelon Vodka Badge 2021

A badge modeled after the Fiery Watermelon. It does not have any special ability.
2021 Summer Strife-4th Annual Melonfest


ATK-Refreshing Juice

Watermelon juice prepared by Walter. Drink this to raise Attack.


Spell ATK-Refreshing Juice

Watermelon juice prepared by Walter. Drink this to raise Spell Attack.


ATK Speed-Refreshing Juice

Watermelon juice prepared by Walter. Drink this to raise Attack Speed.


Movement-Refreshing Juice

Watermelon juice prepared by Walter. Drink this to raise Movement.


※Can be exchanged with Walter-Purple after the 2021.07.29 maintenance