[Galaxia]Stance and Spell Adjustments

Issued On: Jun. 18, 2020

[Divine Bless] and Team Spells can be used together, but cannot be used with [Protection Spell].

Adjusted stance effects, MP cost, and skill descriptions of [Divine Bless], [Defensive Wall], [Holy Ballad], [Blessed Stanza], [Shield Hymn], [Sweeping Attack], [Senki Support] and [Frontier Flag].

1. Sweeping Attack
Adjusted MP cost: 300, 400, 500, 600, 800→945, 1006, 1145, 1215, 1352
Adjusted ATK: 500, 600, 700, 800, 1000→550, 670, 870, 1150, 1900
Adjusted Spell ATK:  Adjusted Spell ATK: 200, 240, 280, 320, 400→280, 340, 440, 580, 950
Adjusted duration of Team Spells: 4, 4, 4, 4, 8→5, 6, 7, 8, 10
Description: Bind the flag on the gun and wave it to raise the team's morale. Increases ATK and Spell ATK of the caster and all team members within the spell's duration. Cannot be used with [Team Stances] of all weapon skills.

2. Senki Support
Adjusted MP cost: 785, 1045, 1406, 1899, 2500→1746, 2040, 2259, 2475, 2826
Increased max HP: 4000, 4420, 5080, 6000, 8400
Adjusted ATK: 1300, 1500, 1700, 2000, 2500→1330, 1610, 2050, 2670, 4270
Adjusted Spell ATK: 780, 900, 1020, 1200, 1500→670, 810, 1030, 1330, 2130
Adjusted duration of Team Spells: 4, 4, 4, 4, 8→5, 6, 7, 8, 10
Description: Cheer your party on! Increases max HP, ATK and Spell ATK of all team members within the spell's duration. Cannot be used with [Team Stances] of all weapon skills.

3. Frontier Flag
Adjusted MP cost: 1000, 1400, 1800, 2200, 3000→3793, 4109, 4333, 4447, 4995
Increased max HP: 5200, 5740, 6580, 7740, 10740
Adjusted ATK: 1500, 1800, 2100, 2400, 3000→1730, 2090, 2650, 3430, 5430
Adjusted Spell DEF: 1500, 1800, 2100, 2400, 3000→1390, 1670, 2120, 2740, 4340
Adjusted duration of Team Spells: 4, 4, 4, 4, 8→5, 6, 7, 8, 10
Description: Wave the battle flag and launch a team attack! Increases max HP, ATK and DEF of all team members within the spell's duration. Cannot be used with [Team Stances] of all weapon skills.
Frontier Flag can now be used without equipping a gun.

4. Protection Spell
Description: Increases the target's Soul RES within the spell's duration. Cannot be used with [Divine Bless].

5. Divine Bless
Adjusted MP cost: 2662, 2948, 3235, 3523, 4016→2934, 3056, 3571, 3954, 4332
Adjusted DEF: 600, 720, 840, 960, 1200→1010, 1230, 1560, 2030, 3250
Adjusted Spell DEF: 600, 720, 840, 960, 1200→630, 770, 980, 1270, 2040
Adjusted Soul RES of Divine Bless V from 1215
Description: A blessing hailing down from the heavens. Increases DEF, Spell DEF and Soul RES of all allies within range within the spell's duration. Cannot be used with [Protection Spell].

6. Defensive Wall
Adjusted MP cost: 729, 827, 928, 1031, 1470→1761, 2003, 2127, 2366, 2573
Adjusted DEF: 120, 150, 180, 240, 400→640, 780, 1010, 1330, 2180
Adjusted Spell DEF: 120, 150, 180, 240, 400→400, 490, 630, 830, 1360
Adjusted duration of Team Spells: 4, 4, 4, 4, 4→5, 6, 7, 8, 10
Adjusted duration of Spell: 300, 600, 1200, 1500, 1800→300, 300, 300, 300, 300
Description: A barrier of light is created upon joining a team. Increases DEF and Spell DEF of the caster and all team members within range within the spell's duration. Cannot be used with [Team Spells] of Life and Wraith attributes.

7. Holy Ballad
Adjusted MP cost: 3988, 4437, 4900, 5385, 6642→4332, 4947, 6244, 6637, 7192
Adjusted max HP: 2000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 12000→3070, 3390, 3890, 4580, 6380
Adjusted max MP: 1600, 3200, 4800, 6400, 9600→2450, 2710, 3110, 3660, 5100
Adjusted ATK: 200, 400, 600, 800, 1200→920, 1110, 1410, 1830, 2910
Adjusted DEF: 160, 320, 480, 640, 960→740, 890, 1130, 1460, 2320
Adjusted Spell ATK: 160, 320, 480, 640, 960→460, 560, 710, 920, 1460
Adjusted Spell DEF: 160, 320, 480, 640, 960→460, 560, 710, 920, 1460
Adjusted duration of Team Spells: 4, 4, 4, 4, 8→5, 6, 7, 8, 10
Description: Sings a hymn upon joining a team. Increases HP, MP, ATK, DEF, Spell ATK and Spell DEF of the caster and all team members within range within the spell's duration. Cannot be used with [Team Spells] of Life and Wraith attributes.

8. Blessed Stanza
Adjusted MP cost: 2970, 3220, 3470, 3720, 4180→7192, 7584, 7782, 8742, 9296
Adjusted Precision: 50, 100, 150, 200, 300→360, 430, 550, 710, 1120
Adjusted Agility: 50, 100, 150, 200, 300→360, 430, 550, 710, 1120
Description: Meditate to the Lord's voice and chant the Blessed Stanza. Increases max HP and max MP of all team members by 100%. Also increases Agility, Accuracy, Movement Speed and ATK Speed. Effect vanishes when team members wander out of range, or if the team is disbanded. Cannot be used with [Team Spells] of Life and Wraith attributes.

9. Shield Hymn
Adjusted MP cost: 2648, 2876, 3101, 3323, 3733→2934, 3056, 3571, 3954, 4332
Adjusted max HP: 3300, 3500, 3800, 4000, 4600→3800, 4200, 4830, 5710, 8010
Adjusted Accuracy of Shield Hymn V from 10→15
Adjusted Physical Dodge Rate of Shield Hymn V from 10→15
Adjusted duration of Team Spells: 4, 4, 4, 4, 4→5, 6, 7, 8, 10
Adjusted duration of Spell: 600, 720, 840, 960, 1200→300, 300, 300, 300, 300
Description: A slow hymn can be heard. Increases max HP, Physical Dodge Rate and Accuracy of all team members in range within the spell's duration. Cannot be used with [Team Spells] of Life and Wraith attributes.

10. Merlin's Circle
Adjusted MP cost: 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 2000→1761, 2003, 2127, 2366, 2573
Adjusted max MP: 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1500→1920, 2130, 2470, 2950, 4230
Adjusted duration of Team Spells: 4, 4, 4, 4, 4→5, 6, 7, 8, 10
Adjusted duration of Spell: 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1500→1920, 2130, 2470, 2950, 4230
Description: MP is generated continuously from the magic formation created by the caster. Increases max MP and Spell DMG of the caster and all team members within the spell's duration. Cannot be used with [Team Spells] of Chaos and Earth attributes.


<Spell Adjustments>

※Cooldown duration: Spells of different types now share the same cooldown duration. After using Spell A, Spell B will also enter cooldown and cannot be used for 10 seconds.

11. Holy Beams
Increased base DMG: 3250, 3400, 3550, 3700, 4100→3480, 3660, 3840, 4020, 4500
Reduced cooldown duration from 5→4s

12. Exhaustion Curse
Exhaustion Curse I to V now share the same cooldown duration.
Reduced chant duration from 2→0.8s
Extended cooldown duration from 4→5s
Additionally reduces ATK of enemies by: 100, 140, 230, 390, 790

13. Weary Curse
Weary Curse I to V now share the same cooldown duration.
Reduced chant duration from 2→0.8s
Extended cooldown duration from 4→5s
Additionally reduces DEF of enemies by: 100, 140, 230, 390, 790

14. Blind Curse
Blind Curse I to V now share the same cooldown duration.
Reduced chant duration from 2→0.8s
Extended cooldown duration from 4→5s
Additionally reduces Precision of enemies by: 40, 50, 70, 110, 230

15. Slow Curse
Slow Curse I to V now share the same cooldown duration.
Reduced chant duration from 2→0.8s
Extended cooldown duration from 4→5s
Additionally reduces Agility of enemies by: 40, 50, 70, 110, 230

16. Obscurave
Reduced base DMG: 3345, 3490, 3635, 3780, 4150→3020, 3140, 3260, 3380, 3600
Reduced cooldown duration from 5→4s

17. Blood Pact
Increased base DMG of Blood Pact I to III: 3900, 4300, 4700→4290, 4520, 4750
Reduced base DMG of Blood Pact IV to V: 5100, 6250→4980, 5620
Reduced amount of HP loss: 3500, 3750, 4000, 4250, 4750→2790, 2990, 3190, 3390, 3530
Reduced cooldown duration from 3→2s

18. Electronic Hit
Reduced chant duration from 0.4→0s
Reduced cooldown duration from 0.8→0.5s

19. Thunder Strike
Thunder Strike I to V now share the same cooldown duration.
Reduced cooldown duration from 2→0.5s
Shares the same cooldown as all other single target Chaos Spells.

20. Lightning Rep
Reduced overall base DMG.
First wave: 3410, 3670, 3930, 4190, 4500→3040, 3170, 3310, 3440, 3750
Second wave: 2046, 2202, 2358, 2514, 2700→1520, 1590, 1660, 1720, 1880
Third wave: 1364, 1468, 1572, 1676, 1800→760, 800, 830, 860, 940
Increased base DMG of Lightning Rep I to III: 15000, 17100, 19200→18200, 18740, 19580
Reduced first wave of base DMG of Lightning Rep IV to V: 21300, 25500→20740, 23740
Reduced second wave of base DMG: 15000, 17100, 19200, 21300, 25500→9100, 9370, 9790, 10370, 11870
Reduced third wave of base DMG: 15000, 17100, 19200, 21300, 25500→4550, 4690, 4900, 5190, 5940
Reduced chant duration from 1→0.5s
Reduced cooldown duration from 1→0.5s

21. Lightning Arrow
Reduced base DMG: 3990, 4180, 4370, 4560, 4900→3370, 3520, 3670, 3820, 4240
Increased base DMG of Lightning Arrow I from 19200→19600
Reduced base DMG of Lightning Arrow II to V: 21300, 23400, 25500, 28700→20180, 21080, 22320, 25520
Reduced cooldown duration from 2→1s

22. Frozen Trap
Frozen Trap I to V now share the same cooldown duration.
Shares the same cooldown as all other AOE Chaos Spells.

Note: Frozen Trap has the same bug as [Thunder Strike], which caused imbalance within the game. Regarding this, we have added a [cooldown] feature to prevent players from abusing the ability to deal multiple waves of damage for both skills one after the other.

23. Ember Brand
Reduced first wave of base DMG: 3455, 3760, 4065, 4370, 4950→3060, 3210, 3370, 3520, 3950
Increased second wave of base DMG for Ember Brand I to IV: 3710, 4020, 4330, 4640→4060, 4270, 4480, 4690
Increased base DMG of Ember Brand I to III: 15000, 17100, 19200→18200, 18740, 19580
Reduced attribute DMG of Ember Brand IV and V: 21300, 25500→20740, 23740

24. Icicle Frost
Reduced overall base DMG.
First wave DMG: 3690, 3980, 4270, 4560, 5050→3190, 3320, 3450, 3580, 3870
Second wave DMG: 2950, 3180, 3420, 3650, 4040→1600, 1660, 1730, 1790, 1940
Increased first wave base DMG of Icicle Frost I to II: 17100, 19200→18900, 19460
Reduced first wave of attribute DMG for Icicle Frost III to V: 21300, 23400, 27600→20330, 21530, 24630
Reduced second wave of attribute DMG: 17100, 19200, 21300, 23400, 27600→9450, 9730, 10170, 10770, 12320
Increased Spell DEF debuff: 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000→1080, 1300, 1650, 2130, 3370
Increased rate of frozen effect rate for Icicle Frost V from 50%→70%

25. Gaian Force
Now shares the same cooldown as [Ajax’s Blessing] and [Muscle Wall], and effects cannot be stacked.

26. Lava Charm
Increased DEF buff of Lava Charm IV from 9600→10400
Reduced DEF buff of Lava Charm V from 19200→16800
Increased Critical Spell Rate of Lava Charm II to V: 2%→3%, 4%, 5%, 10%
Now shares the same cooldown as [Erosion] and [Brainjack], and effects cannot be stacked.

27. Erosion
Increased Spell ATK buff: 200, 350, 500, 650, 800→1150, 1390, 1770, 2290, 3640)
Increased Spell DEF debuff on enemies: 200, 300, 400, 500, 800→920, 1110, 1410, 1830, 2910
Reduced debuff duration of Erosion I and II: 5, 6→3, 5
Reduced debuff duration of Erosion IV and V: 8, 10→9, 12
Now shares the same cooldown as [Lava Charm] and [Brainjack], and effects cannot be stacked.
Fixed the bug of Erosion not affected by Soul RES.
Description: Increases Spell ATK, and grants a chance to reduce the target's Spell DEF and overall DEF when attacking with a staff within the spell's duration. Cannot be used with [Lava Charm] and [Brainjack]. Lasts 5 minutes.

28. Brainjack
No longer provides additional Spell ATK buff.
Now provides additional max MP: 4000, 4420, 5070, 5970, 8290
Increased MP debuff percentage on enemies (%): 10, 12, 14, 16, 20→25, 30, 35, 40, 50)
Increased Spell ATK debuff on enemies: 200, 350, 500, 650, 800→1250, 1510, 1920, 2480, 3930
Reduced debuff duration of Brainjack I from 5→3
Increased debuff duration of Brainjack III to V: 5, 5, 5→7, 9, 12
Now shares the same cooldown as [Lava Charm] and [Erosion], and effects cannot be stacked.

29. Mana Overflow
No longer provides additional Spell ATK buff.
Reduced the rate of dealing additional DMG: 30%→7%, 8%, 9%, 10%, 15%
Now shares the same cooldown as [Blazing Sun], and effects cannot be stacked.

30. Blazing Sun
Reduced additional max HP buff of Blazing Sun II to IV: 6600, 7600, 8600→6180, 7080, 8320
Increased additional max HP buff of Blazing Sun V: 10600→11520
Reduced rate of triggering additional Spell DMG: 3700, 3900, 4100, 4300, 4700→3360, 3490, 3630, 3760, 4090
Reduced the rate of dealing additional DMG: 30%→10%, 12%, 14%, 16%, 20%
Now shares the same cooldown as [Mana Overflow], and effects cannot be stacked.


<Physical Stance Adjustments>

1. Frozen Snipe
Increased base DMG of Frozen Snipe IV and V: 242, 100→249, 350
Adjusted the position of the moves in the skill section.

2. Triple Shoot
Reduced SP cost from 3→2

3. Quadruple Shoot
Reduced SP cost from 4→2
Reduced cooldown duration from 1.8→1s

4. Arrow Gravity
Adjusted the position of the moves in the skill section.
Note: Frozen Sniper V has an issue of having lower base damage as compared to [Frozen Snipe IV] despite it being a skill of a higher tier. Because of this, we have adjusted its position in the skill section. The same applies to [Arrow Gravity].

5. TNT Arrow
Adjusted base DMG of TNT Arrow V from 28500→31000

6. Ajax's Blessing
Optimized skill description.
Increased duration from 20→30s
Has the same cooldown duration as [Muscle Wall] and [Gaian Force], and effects cannot be stacked.

7. Sniper Shot
The multiple waves of DMG from [Rapidfire], [Steel Rain], [Owl] and [Zephyr Shot] can now trigger the Slow effect of [Sniper Shot].

8. Shatterbone Strike
The multiple waves of DMG from [Rapidfire], [Steel Rain], [Owl] and [Zephyr Shot] can now trigger the Slow effect of [Shatterbone Strike].

9. Bevy Raid
The multiple waves of DMG from [Rapidfire], [Steel Rain], [Owl] and [Zephyr Shot] can now trigger the DEF debuff effect of [Bevy Raid].

10. Muscle Wall
Now shares the same cooldown as [Gaian Force] and [Ajax’s Blessing], and effects cannot be stacked.

11. Accursed Trap
Optimized stance description.
Additionally inflicts [Silence] effect on enemies.
Increases [Slow] effect on enemies: 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 50%→40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 100%
Increased debuff duration on enemies from 5→7

12. Spiritual Fire
Increased fixed DMG: 56000, 70500, 85500, 101000, 133000→313600, 358440, 424800, 515840, 737280
Extended duration of Spiritual Fire I to III: 3, 4, 5→5, 5, 6
Expanded range of Spiritual Fire I to III: 3, 4, 5→5, 5, 6
Reduced cooldown duration from 10→7s

13. Osmose Arrow
Description: Grants MP reduction effect on arrows and ammunition. Bow skills have a chance of reducing the enemy's Spell ATK within the spell’s duration (only effective on certain Stances).

Note: [Osmose Arrow] only inflicts MP [reduction] effect, and not [absorption]. We have changed this description to avoid any potential misunderstandings.

14. Burning Will
Increased MP cost of Burning Will II to V: 3680, 3840, 4000, 4320→2660, 3380, 4380, 6980
Increased ATK of Burning Will II to V: 2400, 2600, 2800, 3200→2660, 3380, 4380, 6980
Reduced DEF debuff of Burning Will I and II: 1100, 1200→880, 1070
Increased DEF debuff of Burning Will III to V: 1300, 1400, 1600→1360, 1760, 2800
Reduced Spell DEF debuff of Burning Will I to III: 825, 900, 975→550, 670, 850
Increased Spell DEF debuff of Burning Will IV to V: 1050, 1200→1100, 1750

15. Iron Will
Increased HP of Burning Will II to V: 4600, 4800, 5000, 5400→4860, 5580, 6580, 9180
Increased ATK debuff of Iron Will I to V: 880, 960, 1040, 1120, 1280→1100, 1330, 1690, 2190, 3490
Increased DEF of Iron Will II to V: 1920, 2080, 2240, 2560→2130, 2710, 3510, 5590
Reduced Spell DEF of Iron Will I and II: 1320, 1440→1100, 1330)
Increased Spell DEF of Iron Will III to V: 1560, 1680, 1920→1690, 2190, 3490

16. Tough Physique
Reduced DEF of Tough Physique II to IV: 2750, 3300, 3850→2320, 2940, 3800
Increased DEF of Tough Physique V from 4400→6040
Increased Spell DEF of Tough Physique I to V: 1200, 1450, 1840, 2380, 3780

17. Anger
Increased ATK of Anger I to V: 1600, 1800, 2000, 2200, 2500→2400, 2900, 3680, 4760, 7560

18. Meditate
Increased Spell DEF of Meditate I to V: 200, 400, 800, 1400, 2800→1200, 1450, 1840, 2380, 3780
Increased Spell DEF debuff of Meditate I to V: 300, 600, 1200, 2100, 4200→1920, 2320, 2940, 3800, 6040