Join us and have fun in the May Area!

Issued On: May. 14, 2020
  1. Event Title
    Join us and have fun in the May Area!
  2. Event Duration
    May 14 2020 (Thursday, after maintenance)- June 11 2020 (Thursday, before maintenance)
    ※Limited Time Event
  3. Particioants
    Every player on every server.
  4. Event Intro
            Archangel Michael has unlocked the mysterious May Area for all Angels to enjoy. During this event period, you can claim a 30-min Ticket once a day.
            In this warm spring, the [Area Guide] is standing in Angel Lyceum regardless of rain or shine. To enter the May Area, simply present your entrance tickets to him.
            Although you can get one 30-min Area Ticket each day, it’s probably too short for any Angels on a tough training menu. If you head over to the [Item Mall], you’ll find [a series of May boxes] up for sale. These boxes contain your basic necessities and 2 to 3 pieces of [May Area 6-hr Tickets]. Regardless of which gift box you get, they’re definitely worth that bit of expenditure.
            There’s also a chance that the May Area will drop [May Pet Bonus Bags]. These bags contain items used for raising your Pets’ levels. Harvesting resources in the May Area is much faster than regular resource maps too.
            So free up your schedule for this limited training and harvesting event!
  5. Details
  1. During this event, NPC-Area Guide (141, 82) will be in Angel Lyceum to provide event details and item exchange services.
  2. During this event, you can get the 7th online reward — [May Area 30-min Ticket]. This ticket allows you to enter the May Area for 30 minutes. Remember to use the ticket within 24 hours of collecting it or it’ll vanish.
  3. During this event, you can buy May related boxes from the Item Mall and get 6-hour May Area tickets from them.
  4. During this event, if you have collected enough 6-hour Area Tickets, you can exchange them for longer duration tickets via the Area Guide.
  5. During this event, you can get May Pet Bonus Bags from the May Area. These bags will grant you various Pet Bonus Vouchers.
  6. During this event, when you buy a 2019 Libra Lucky Bag, you’ll get a May Area Gift. This gift will grant you a [May Area 6-hr Ticket] and [Vicious Royal Pup Seal].
  7. If your faction is [Heaven], you will not be able to enter this Area.
  1. New Item



May Lucky Wish Gift Box

Requires 13 or more slots in the bag to open this box. Open to receive:
Lucky Wish Bag 5 *12
May Area 6-hr Ticket *2

May Couple Apparel Capsule Box

Requires 13 or more slots in the bag to open this box. Open to receive:
Couple Apparel Capsule *12
May Area 6-hr Ticket *8

May Pet Enhancement Box

Requires 7 or more slots in the bag to open this box. Open to receive:
Pet Feed *1
MediumBlood Certificate *1
AdvancedBlood Certificate *1
Improved Pet Feed *1
ProtectEXP Sapphire *2
Pet's 4X EXPCard (30 min) *2
May Area 6-hr Ticket *3

May Pet's Shapeshift Box

Requires 7 or more slots in the bag to open this box. Open to receive:
MediumBlood Certificate *1
AdvancedBlood Certificate *1
Blessed Fusion Potion *5
Shape Fusion Potion *5
LuxuriousPoke Egg *10
100 Million Pet Bonus Voucher *10
May Area 6-hr Ticket *3

May Re-Amplify Attribute Box

Requires 13 or more slots in the bag to open this box. Open to receive:
Re-Amplify Attribute Egg *12
May Area 6-hr Ticket *2

May Amplify Box

Requires 7 or more slots in the bag to open this box. Open to receive:
Pet Amplify Egg *6
May Area 6-hr Ticket *2

May Super Box

Requires 6 or more slots in the bag to open this box. Open to receive:
Hypa Attack Scroll *50
Hypa Prevention Scroll *50
Red Potion II *200
EXP 4XCard (30 Min) *12
Skill EXP 4XCard (30 Min) *12
May Area 6-hr Ticket *2

May Magic Box

Requires 6 or more slots in the bag to open this box. Open to receive:
Hypa Beat Scroll *50
Hypa Defense Scroll *50
Blue Potion II *200
EXP 4XCard (30 Min) *12
Skill EXP 4XCard (30 Min) *12
May Area 6-hr Ticket *2

May Collection Box

Requires 7 or more slots in the bag to open this box. Open to receive:
Safe Key(30 days) *1
Great Mighty Fuel 2 *1
Spacious Bank *8
Collecting Speedup Card(30 M.) *24
Skill EXP 4XCard (30 Min) *12
May Area 6-hr Ticket *2

May Production Box

Requires 6 or more slots in the bag to open this box. Open to receive:
Safe Key(30 days) *1
Great Mighty Fuel 2 *1
Spacious Bank *8
Facture Speedup Card(30 M.) *24
Skill EXP 4XCard (30 Min) *12
May Area 6-hr Ticket *2

May Pet Bonus Bag

Open for a chance to get one of the following:
500000 Pet Bonus Voucher *1
1000000 Pet Bonus Voucher *1
5000000 Pet Bonus Voucher *1
10 Million Pet Bonus Voucher *1
20 Million Pet Bonus Voucher *1
50 Milliion Pet Bonus Voucher *1
100 Million Pet Bonus Voucher *1

May Area 30-min Ticket

Show this ticket to the [Area Guide] in Angel Lyceum (or use it manually) to enter your faction's mysterious area. You can enter multiple times within 30 minutes.
 *Effective from May 14 2020 to June 11 2020 (before maintenance).

May Area 6-hr Ticket

Show this ticket to the [Area Guide] in Angel Lyceum (or use it manually) to enter your faction's mysterious area. You can enter multiple times within 6 hours.
 *Effective from May 14 2020 to June 11 2020 (before maintenance).

May Area 1-day Ticket

Show this ticket to the [Area Guide] in Angel Lyceum (or use it manually) to enter your faction's mysterious area. You can enter multiple times within 1 day.
 *Effective from May 14 2020 to June 11 2020 (before maintenance).

May Area 3-day Ticket

Show this ticket to the [Area Guide] in Angel Lyceum (or use it manually) to enter your faction's mysterious area. You can enter multiple times within 3 days.
 *Effective from May 14 2020 to June 11 2020 (before maintenance).