Annie’s Pet Treats

Issued On: Nov. 19, 2015
  1. Event Title

Annie’s Pet Treats


  1. Location

All servers


  1. Duration

Event NPC duration: Nov 19 2015 – Dec 9 2015 (Wednesday), total of 21 days


  1. Participants

All players on all servers


  1. Event Intro

Annie the Pet Trainer needs your help! She has too many pets to train, and needs a lot of Pet Treats for training. Unfortunately, she is too busy to go out and buy them. If you collect 200 Pet Treats for her every day, it would help her a lot.


  1. Details
    1. During the event, there will be an event NPC called [Annie] (184,91)in the Angel Lyceum, and she will provide info on the event, as well as item exchange services.
    2. During the event, defeat monsters or gather resources Lv 21 and above for a chance to get Pet Treats. Collect them and give them to [Annie], and she will give you a special gift in return.