The Sound of Musicians

Issued On: Apr. 28, 2011

If you are an avid fan of music, or simply adore the masterpieces drafted through the centuries by musical prodigies, we've got something just for you!

What did your band leader always tell you? Practice, practice, practice! But how can you practice without an instrument? In the newest series available in the Item Mall, we solve this problem with our enchanting Musician PD. The Violin, the Conductor's Baton and even the Classical magic-spun attire instantly transforms you into a musical superstar - or at the very least you'll look like one!

The Musician PD is the latest fashion statement sweeping the streets of Eden, and whether you're a lover of Mozart, Tchaikovsky or Beethoven you'll always look like you're ready for a performance! If you can't decide whether to be the musician or the conductor, make you own custom suit by mixing and matching individually purchased parts from both!

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