Sign Up Now for Surprises Is Back! ( update)

Issued On: Feb. 19, 2011

Our "Sign Up Now for Surprises" challenge was a roaring success and we couldn't have done it without you! Since the first one was so successful, we have decided to hold a second "Sign Up Now for Surprises" challenge! That's right! Don't miss out!

Sign in
Just like the first time around, all you have to do is sign in once daily over a period of time and the reward is yours! Up to 1000 Shells can be won!

Event Duration
From February 1st - February 28th EST (GMT-5)

500 Shells (If you sign in for 15 days straight or more, but you didn't sign in every day during the event.)
1000 Shells (If you sign in every day during the event!)

Event Rule
1. To win the rewards, log into the game and sign up on the event page every day during the event.
2. To qualify, a player's character must be Level 20+.
3. Rrewards will be given out within 7 working days from the end of the event.
4. Each account can only sign up once each day. One entry is allowed per person.
5. You must enter the game in order to sign in for that day.

Claiming Rewards
The rewards will be given out within 7 working days from the end of the event.

In response to some of the queries with regards to our 'Sign up Now for Surprises' event, here a step-by-step breakdown of how it works:
1. Login event site
2. Login game
3. Sign in for the event

Here's a Tip
After you have signed in, click on the refresh button and check the message to be sure that you have signed in for the day!


The Angels Online Team