IGG's 4th Anniversary Brings VIPs Surprises

Issued On: May. 28, 2010

To show our appreciation to all our Angels Online players, especially the VIPs, for their continued support over the last 4 years and to celebrate IGG's 4th anniversary, we will be holding a special event with tons of rewards and lots of fun!

Event Duration
10:00pm~10:30pm on June 3rd EDT (GMT-4)
Nisroc, Forcas, Gaea & Ares

11:00pm~11:30pm on June 3rd EDT (GMT-4)
Haniel, Sofiel, Atlantis & Zeus

9:00am~9:30am on June 4th GMT

Event Targets
All VIP accounts and VIP bound accounts are welcome to participate in this event.

Event Location
Last branch of each server

Event Rewards
Battlefield Cursed Stone

Event Rules
1. All participating VIP players must sign up first, before 10:00 pm on June 2nd EDT (GMT-4). If you are interested in this event, please sign up here.
2. All participating players must be online 10 minutes before the event starts so that our GMs can teleport them to the event location.
3. During the event, the GM will trade the event rewards with all qualified players. So, remember to activate your trade function. All participating players must make sure that they have enough blank slots in their inventory for the rewards.
4. After the rewards giveaway, the GM will take photos with players.
5. Other non-VIPs are welcome to take photos with the GM. However, the event rewards are only for VIP accounts and VIP bound accounts. Thanks for your understanding and continued support! You are welcome to become a VIP and enjoy all the great services that go along with it. For more info about VIP services and rewards, visit http://vip.igg.com/service.php?id=7.
6. IGG reserves all rights for the final judgment of the event.

The Angels Online Team