We will be bringing all the servers down at 1:00am EST (GMT-5), February 4th for regularly scheduled maintenance. We expect the servers to be down for approximately two hours until 3:00am EST (GMT-5). We appreciate your patience in this matter.
After the maintenance the second round of the "Crazy Discounts on Enhancement Items" event will be available. Head on over to the Item Mall now and get what you need, before you're left behind by the competition! For more details visit http://www.ao.igg.com/news/news.php?aid=2392.
Meanwhile, the last round of the Forbes event is just heating up! If you're looking to win the first ever Phoenix Fire and all the abundant rewards we've been giving away, then don't miss out - there's only 1 day remaining! For more details visit http://www.ao.igg.com/news/news.php?aid=2387.
The Angels Online Team