Get FREE Money, Money, Money

Issued On: Aug. 28, 2009

It's that time of year again! The daylight doesn't seem to last as long, and students minds turn to the approaching school year. Book bags tossed aside carelessly just a few short months ago are unearthed from the backs of closets and books are dusted off. Summer is almost at an end, so we've got an event that will close it out with a bang! What could be better than free money? We couldn't think of anything, so here it is - the "Get Money, Money, Money" event! Players who exchange points for Angel Gold will walk away with a ton of extra gold - Free! Don't miss out on this unique end of summer event!

Event Duration
6:00am on Aug 28th to 1:00am on Aug 31st EDT (GMT-4)

 Event Rules

If you exchange less than 100 IGG points for Angel Gold, there will be no return bonus. Thank you for your continued support and understanding.

Total purchase made via Paypal or Google Checkout cannot exceed 10,000 IGG points per month. (VIP players should contact our VIP service representatives to find out more.) All players are more than welcome to apply to be an VIP since they consume $399 in total.

We hope you enjoy your new environments!

Angels Online Team, IGG