Sharks Coming

Issued On: Oct. 9, 2008


People near Atlantis are always on watch because they consider the adventurers from the Angel Lyceum as robbers who have come to steal the treasures from the shipwreck. In order to protect these treasures, they want to attack the Angel Lyceum.


Event Rewards: Medium Blood Certificate, Advanced Blood Certificate and Stiff Beetle


Event Duration: 11:00am to 11:30am EDT (GMT-4) on October 11th


Event Location: Angel Lyceum (169, 82) in server branch 2 of all servers.


Event Content:

1. Players can wait for the sharks in the Angel Lyceum. Pay attention! These Level 90-100 sharks are very powerful. Players had better organize themselves into a team to defeat them.


2. After the event starts, these sharks will attack players for 15 minutes. If players can defeat those sharks within 15 minutes, they will be winners and have a chance to obtain rewards from the GM. There will be no rewards if players fail.


3. According to the population of the different servers, the number of monsters and their rewards are different. The higher the server population, the fewer the monsters players need to defeat, and the more rewards they may obtain.


4. The system will automatically decide the color of each server branch 2 (green, yellow, red or purple) according to its population.

The color of the server branch 2

The number of the sharks


Extra Rewards



The GM will randomly give away Medium Blood Certificate*1

When the server branch 2 keeps the same color but the server branch 1 becomes yellow, red or purple, players here can obtain double rewards.



The GM will randomly give away Medium Blood Certificate*2 and Stiff Beetle*1

When the server branch 2 keeps the same color but the server branch 1 becomes red or purple, players here can obtain double rewards.



The GM will randomly give away Advanced Blood Certificate*1

When the server branch 2 keeps the same color but the server branch 1 becomes purple, players here can obtain triple rewards.



The GM will randomly give away Advanced Blood Certificate*2

When the server branch 2 keeps the same color but the server branch 1 becomes purple, players here can obtain triple rewards.

Angels Online Team,IGG