A Needle in a Haystack IV

Issued On: Jun. 12, 2008

Dear angels,

Do you know the Treasure of the GMs event? Here are some questions about the event. Show me your answer!

Event Duration:

1:00pm (GMT-5) June 13th - 1:00am (GMT-5) June 16th


1. What will the GM ride?

A. An elephant

B. A lion

C. A Jellyfish

2. How many GMs will attend the event?

A. 8

B. 12

C. 6


1. Send your answers to ao@igg.com before 1:00am (GMT-5) June 16th.

2. The Email should be titled A Needle in a Haystack IV+Server+Character name.


Pet's Speedup Card *12+Underground Teleportation Scroll *1

Good Luck!

The Angels Online Team, IGG