a. Each army owns a Crystal. Players should make every effort to steal the opposite army's Crystal and hand it to their army leader (One is [Jabaly] and the other is [Raphael]). Then the theft is complete.
b. Each army can only have 1 Crystal on the battlefield. After the Crystal is stolen by the opposite army, a new Crystal will appear on the battlefield again.
c. A Crystal may decrease players' resistance to melee and spell damage. Meanwhile, it slows down players/' movement speed to ordinary speed.
d. After they steal a Crystal from the opposite army, players should hand it to their army leader within 5 minutes. They can also drop the Crystal and ask Angels from the same army to bring it. It means that each Angel is unable to take a Crystal more than 5 minutes. Otherwise, the Crystal will disappear and automatically return to the opposite army's battlefield.
e. Players should find and defeat those who stole the crystal. After the player who brings a Crystal dies, the Crystal will drop to the ground. However, the defensive players are unable to pick it up. If the offensive players are unable to get the Crystal within 30 seconds, the Crystal will automatically return to the defensive army's base.
f. The Crystal's location will be shown on the map from time to time.
Angel Statues:
a. Angel Statues are a secondary target on the battlefield. Before the battle starts, each army has 10 Statues. Fighting System players can try to destroy the opposite army's Statues while the Production System players try to build more Statues for their own army.
b. The number of Statue is relative with the Renascence Place. Every 5 Status equals a Rebirth Place. When there are 5 more Statues in the battlefield, the Rebirth Place will move ahead on the battlefield so that it takes less time for players to return to the battlefield, and vice versa if they lose statues.
c. The Statue is unable to recover when it is attacked. After the Statue is destroyed or the number of Statues hasn't reached the upper limit, players can build more new Statues.
d. New Statues can be built from the beachhead to the outside.
City Gate:
a. City Gates can be used to defend against an attack. Each army can own 10 City Gates at most. Before the battle starts, there will be 4 main City Gates (City Gate 1, City Gate 6, City Gate 7 and City Gate 10) on each battlefield.
b. Players can build more City Gates on the road. Angels from their own army can freely go through all City Gates while the opposing army should destroy these gates if they would like to advance to the beachhead. These City Gates can be destroyed by defeating the gate guards.
c. Defensive Angels can build more City Gates with the help of Production System players so that they can trap offensive players.
d. The City Gate is unable to recover after it is attacked. When the City Gate is destroyed or the number of City Gates hasn't reached the upper limit, players can build new City Gates again.
e. Each City Gate has a number according to its location and different Building Materials.
Front City Gate
Home City Gate
Required Materials
Required Materials
f. There are guards near each City Gate. Defeat these guards and the City Gate will be destroyed.