
Issued On: Mar. 28, 2008


To help low level Angel's level up quickly and simultaneously enhance the power of the Angel world, Michael, Dean of the Angel Lyceum, has decided to open some training camps on the 12 maps where masses of monsters can be safely summoned. So those little Angels who want to be stronger should seize this unique opportunity. Considering the number of monsters, some necessary supplies should be prepared to safeguard your lives, and only the survivors will be the elite Angels of the Angel world.


Event Duration:

From 08:00pm (GMT-5) on March 28th to 08:00pm (GMT-5) on March 30th     Haniel (2)
From 08:00pm (GMT-5) on March 28th to 08:00pm (GMT-5) on March 30th     Nicros (2)

Event Contents:

300 monsters will be summoned every 1 hour in the 12 maps below.


Monster Level Location Image
Jackstraw 12 Spike Farm (290,111)
Tone Sheep 18 Sunflower Plain  (129, 9)
Cherry Crab 27 Cherry Village (110, 17)
Skeletal Sniper 12 Shadowy Path(24,153)
Paopao 15 Fungus Forest South(231, 82)
Decrusader 27 Memory Cave(164, 122)
Forest Monkey 9 Dense Forest(166, 143)
Elf 18 Cryptic Moon Swamp(57, 125)
Garden Elf 27 Mysterious Garden(117, 15)
Desert Lizard 12 Wishing Tear(111, 7)
Buccinal Robot 15 Scrap Iron Village(50, 156)
Plateau Monkey 21 Cactus Plain(170, 163)