Experience Distribution and Drop Sharing Rules

Issued On: Mar. 11, 2008


Dear Angels,

We have recently received complaints from our players concerning experience distribution and drop sharing when they are in party or in solo mode. Because of this, we've decided to give you a brief overview of the rules.

Case one:
Player A and Player B hunt the same monster / boss

1.   If they are not in the same party and Player A does more damage than Player B, Player A will get a higher proportion of the Exp and will be more likely to get the Loot as well.

2.   If they are in an "Alone" party and Player A does more damage than Player B, Player A will get the Loot and all the Exp plus a certain amount of extra Exp while Player B gets some extra Exp only.

3.   If they are in a "SHARE" party, each of them gets half of the Exp and the Loot is distributed at random.


Case two: Player A and another party hunt the same monster / boss

Comparing the damage made by Player A with that made by the party,

1.   If Player A does more damage than the party, Player A will be more likely to get the Loot.

2.   If the party does more damage than Player A, the party will be more likely to get the Loot.

a.   If the party ends up with the Loot, the system will determine who in the party will get the Loot.