Game Adjustments

Issued On: Aug. 20, 2020

A. Event Title
Game Adjustments

B. Details

1. The [2020 Summer Strife-3rd Annual Melonfest] has ended and entered the 7-day prize exchange phase. The winning team is [Fiery Team], and its members can exchange for the [Enchanted-Leather Flying Gear Set (Male)] and [Enchanted-Leather Flying Gear Set (Female)]. [Tranquil Team] members may still exchange for the relevant prizes while players who did not register for any team may also exchange for basic items.

2. Due to the overwhelming response of the [2020 Summer Strife-3rd Annual Melonfest], the Archangel Michael will grant players with 3x Pet EXP, 3x Collecting Speed, and 3x Manufacturing Speed for 2 weeks.

3. Astralfield Event-2X Order Rewards will end after September 3rd maintenance. Act now before it’s too late!