Jonathan’s Halloween Treaties

Issued On: Oct. 24, 2019
  1. Event Title
    Jonathan’s Halloween Treaties
  2. Event Period
    Jonathan’s Halloween Treaties
    October 24, 2019 (Thursday, after maintenance) to October 31, 2019 (Thursday, before maintenance)
    *Limited Time Event
  3. Participants
    Every player on every server.
  4. Event Intro
    The ghostly aura of this year’s Halloween is filling the air! Jonathan cannot keep his powers in check and released them to give players a boost during this festive season. Not only do players gain additional EXP from defeating monsters, production and crafting speed are also increased, so make the most out of this week!
  5. Event Details

During the event period, players will enjoy:

1. 3x EXP

2. 3x Skill EXP

3. 3x Pet EXP

4. 3x Production Speed

5. 3x Crafting Speed