Lots of cute critters waiting to be discovered!

Issued On: Oct. 12, 2016

Since our first report last week, Archangel Michael has ordered our scouts to pour all their energy into the investigations. We need every shred of info we can get to fight against the Evil Lyceum!

Once they stepped out of Goblin Valley and laid their eyes on their destination, our scouts were amazed by the breathtaking scenery of Vulcania.


It’s hard to describe such beauty with mere words, but the detailed map drawn by our scouts gives us all a clue as to how amazing the region is. The Ivory Forest that’s carpeted with flowers, the picturesque Whitefang Village, the grand Razorex Temple, the soothing Sleepy Spring, and the beautiful lake at Transient Waters… There’s also the magnificent Fragrant Courtyard, and Flamefang Sanctum where the fearsome Razorex dwells. Do not approach him if your powers are too low!


<Evil corrupts the mind and the heart!>


Not only is the scenery astounding, the animals there are incredibly adorable as well… But our scouts warn us that the animals are dangerous, and we should be wary even if we’re skilled in battle. I heard that the scout leader almost got eaten by one of them!


It’s really hard to make yourself hurt them because they’re just too cute…but we shouldn’t let down our guard, because the Evil Lyceum is cruel and relentless.  For example, the elegant Snowilocks has pretty lethal attacks. And the Firazard’s strikes can do a lot of damage too, so please be careful when you’re there.



<A wealth of knowledge waiting in the mountains!>


Apart from their investigation of the terrain, our scouts have also received Vulcan manuals that will help our Angels save the Vulcanians. Our smiths are hard at work perusing texts that will give them the knowledge required to forge powerful equipment - equipment that we’ll need for the battles ahead! Once they are forged, we will release more info on these amazing creations. Remember to read our upcoming reports!