Break through the Queen Bee Hideout!

Issued On: Apr. 15, 2015

   Greetings, little Angels! I am glad to see you all again.  I wanted to brief you on new combat skills and spells today, but the tutors have contracted food poisoning from an earlier celebration party, forcing them to postpone the briefing. The emissary was shocked when he heard this news. So angels, please be wary of food with unknown origins. Don’t let this happen to you!

While details of the new skills and spells remain unknown for now, the scouts have brought us a transcript with news and directions on how to conquer the Queen Bee Hideout! According to their survey, a gigantic bee hive is situated at the top of Sequoia. It is surrounded and heavily guarded by bee soldiers.

Be sure to do lots of research and planning before embarking on your mission!
According to the report, the Queen Bee Hideout consists of three major areas: Ancient Bug Nest, Frozen Fruit Hall, and finally, Bees Stronghold, where the Queen Bee resides. Here are the details; read carefully, Angels!
(1) Ancient Bug Nest
The Ancient Bug Nest is on the left. This is where all the bees, apart from the Queen Bee, reside. The creatures in the area need to be cleared before you can enter the Bug King’s realm. Defeat him and gain access to the Path of Paradise , which leads to the Frozen Fruit Hall.

(2) Frozen Fruit Hall
With their first line of defence in the Ancient Bug Nest broken and the Path of Paradise intruded, the threatened bee soldiers will start swarming. Creatures spawn continuously on the Path. Defeat General Antler and unseal the entrance to the main hall to proceed.
Unlock the glowing column behind General Antler and move forward to reach the main hall. There is much honey and nectar within the hall. Upon reaching the end of the hall, you will face the Durian King, who consists of many different fruits. He is the Bees Stronghold’s last line of defence. When he is defeated and turns into nutrients for the Hideout, you will be able to enter the Bees Stronghold.

(3) Bees Stronghold
The Bees Stronghold is guarded by the Queen’s two Sentinels.They are the Queen’s most loyal guardians. Their determination to protect the Queen enables each Sentinel unlimited resurrections within 30 seconds. As long as there is one Sentinel alive, the angels will not be able to access the Stronghold checkpoint. You must eliminate the second Sentinel within 30 seconds after killing the first Sentinel  in order to access the Stronghold checkpoint and challenge the Bee Stronghold’s final boss: Queen Bee Femirse.

<<Look forward to new moves in the next release!>>

After going through these battle plans, are you even more excited about the new moves in store?  The emissary will announce the information once the tutors have recuperated. Stay tuned!