Guess My Digits

Issued On: Feb. 15, 2011

Some players may have played the Da Vinci Code game before, but if you haven't, its not too hard to get the hang of it. First players will hide a secret number, while also trying to guess another players secret number using the limited clues given. Now, we're bringing this game to Angels Online with our new "Guess My Digits" event.

Activities place
Angel Church on the branch 2

Activities Duration
8:30pm~9:00pm EST(GMT-5) Feb 17th
Nisroc, Forcas, zeus

9:15pm~9:45pm EST(GMT-5) Feb 17th
Haniel, Sofiel, Gaea

10:00pm~10:30pm EST(GMT-5) Feb 17th
Ares, Athena

9:00am~9:30am  GMT Feb 18th

Grand Prize: make stone
Participation: Defense Scroll

Event Rules
1. All participants must sign up in the event location. After the GM enters a line in the local channel, the first 2 players who reply under the GM's line will be qualified to participate in this round of the event. Each player is only allowed to participate in the event once. If one of the first 2 players under the GM's line has participated in a previous round, they will be disqualified and the 3rd player to reply after the GM's line will be chosen for that round.
2. The 2 chosen players each round must pick a number from 1 - 10 to be their secret number. After they whisper their number to the GM, they can begin trying to guess the other's number. When one player eventually guesses right, they will be rewarded with the event rewards and the round will end. Players can then begin preparing for the next round.
3. Anyone is welcome to watch, however spamming and other interruptions will not be tolerated.

Players are not allowed to share their secret number with anyone else. Guesses must be entered in the Local channel.

The Angels Online Team