There's a Spy in Our Midst!

Issued On: Oct. 13, 2010

Thanks to your efforts, brave Angels of Eden, Lucifer's evil plans have been stopped! However, that doesn't mean he's reformed, it just means he's gone back to the drawing board with more evil ideas for conquering Eden! Now, we've been receiving reports that he has sent a spy into the city, disguised as a GM, to gather information and create confusion! The spy is reported to be hiding in one of the four major cities! He must be stopped, before things get out of hand!

10:00pm~10:30pm EDT(GMT-4) Oct 14th
Haniel(2), Forcas(2), Gaea(2) & Ares(2)

11:00pm~11:30pm EDT(GMT-4) Oct 14th
Nisroc(2), Sofiel(2),& Zeus(2)

9:00am~9:30am GMT Oct 15th Havoc(2)

Event Location
The 4 major cities, Game branch 2

Event Details
1. The spy (disguised as the GM) will be moving around the four major cities. He might be hiding in dark corners of the city or among groups of players.
2. Find the spy! Then defeat him to earn big rewards, such as Happy Face Gift Box.
3. If a team is formed to hunt the GM, the system will register the one who lands the killing blow as the winner.

Happy Face Gift Box
Single Fireworks & Multiple Fireworks. ( The gift is limited and randomly, hurry up!)

Angels Online Team