Save the Watermelon!

Issued On: Jul. 16, 2010

With global warming trends moving the mercury higher and higher each year, its become more important than ever to know how to cool off. This summer, our Angels are beating the heat in Eden with everyone's favourite summer fruit, juicy watermelons! However, the heat has been so bad that it's becoming harder and harder to find more of this delicious fruit. In fact, some say that there are only 3 watermelons left in all of Eden! Get them now so that they can be used to grow more, or there may never again be a sweet, succulent fruit available to cool off on a hot day!

Event Period
10:00pm~10:45pm on July 22nd  EDT (GMT-4) Nisroc, Forcas, Gaea & Ares
11:00pm~11:45pm on July 22nd  EDT (GMT-4) Haniel, Sofiel, Atlantis & Zeus
9:00am~9:45am on July 23rd  GMT Havoc

Event Location
Lava Cave

Event Rewards
Watermelon Shapeshifting Seed

Event Targets
All VIP accounts and VIP bound accounts are welcome to participate in this event.

Event Details
1. VIP players who wish to participate in the event must register on July 21st EDT (GMT-4). You can sign up for the event here.
2. Please be ready in game 10 minutes before the start of the event so our GM can teleport you to the event location.
3. Once the event starts, you must add our GM as your friend within 10 minutes.
4. Our GM will then select 2 players to shapeshift into watermelons with him. The selected players will have to accept a trade with our GM if they agree to play the roles of watermelons. The rest of the players will have to escort them to the destination.
5. The 2 players must shapeshift into watermelons once they've received the seeds, or they will be kicked out of the event.
6. The escort mission will be considered successful as long as there is at least 1 watermelon that makes it to the destination unharmed.
7. Players who survived the trip with the watermelon will receive special rewards.
8. IGG reserves all rights for the final judgment of the event.

Escort Route
Lava Cave -> Fiery Path -> Sad Abyss -> Dragon Graveyard-> Thorn Wasteland-> North of Mirror Lake -> South of Mirror Lake

Don't let watermelon vanish from the land! Register now to ensure that Angels from future generations will still be able to enjoy this legendary fruit. What would summer be without it? We shudder to think...

The Angels Online Team