Happy Easter

Issued On: Apr. 6, 2010

Easter is coming, and with it a time of renewal all over the land. It's a festive atmosphere, and we hope all players will enjoy the festival with us. Feeling happy, yell it out! Come and join our Easter event now and you'll get the chance to share your feelings.

Event Duration
From 11:00pm on April 6th  EDT (GMT-4)
Nisroc, Forcas, Gaea ,Ares,Haniel, Sofiel, Atlantis & Zeus

From 9:00am on April 7th GMT

Event Location
the Chat Room in each server

Event Rewards
Lvl 70 Monster Egg

Event Content
1. When the event begins, the GM will open a chat room with a capacity of 50 players.All players are welcome to participate in the event.
2. When the GM yells "Happy", all participating players must yell "Easter" right after the GM. If the GM yells "Easter", then they must yell "Happy" after the GM. The GM will randomly send a smile emotion at any time. Only the first player who yells the right answer after the smile emoticon will obtain the event reward.
3. The GM will host 10 rounds of yelling during the event. The event will end at once after 10 rounds.
4. Each participant only has one chance to yell their answer in the chat room during each round. Don't spam, otherwise you will be disqualified and punished.

The Angels Online Team