Summer Camp Opening Celebration!

Issued On: Aug. 12, 2009

Eden resounds with the lovely sounds of Angels' voices singing passionately throughout the city, and fireworks are being set off all over to celebrate Eden's first summer camp! Everyone has been enjoying the festivities, but unfortunately some uninvited guests have managed to sneak their way in! The Fane Priests and Gluttonous Angels have slipped into the party! Do you think they're sincerely interested in the celebration, or is it all just a ruse to plot some "surprises" for our Angels? Nobody seems to know...

Event Location
Angel Lyceum of server branch 2

Event Duration
11:00am to 11:30am EDT (GMT-4) on Aug 15th

Event Content
• One of our GMs will announce the start of the event. The GMs will then give our lovely Angels their best wishes, and set off a ton of fireworks!
• The Fane Priests and Gluttonous Angels might be seen here or there... Did they really want to join in the celebration, or are they planning some surprises? There's only one way to find out!
• A half hour later, the event will end, and our GMs will be offline. We will be holding a series of events to give players some fun times and wonderful memories in our summer camp!

Angels Online Team,IGG