It's a Wonderful Day in the Neighborhood

Issued On: Jul. 27, 2009

Do you have the most beautiful home in Eden? Have you spent countless hours arranging and re-arranging the furniture until it was perfect? Well, our GMs have seen a lot of different styles and designs - does yours have what it takes to impress them? We've got lovely bear puppets, pink bee wallpaper, luxurious sofas, and much more to help you create a stylish abode. So, make sure you have your maid tidy up, because you never know when our GMs might be coming by to take a peek…

Event Location
Angel Lyceum A (175 88) on the branch 1

Event Duration
9:00am~10:00am  EDT(GMT-4)  July 27th    Havoc(1)
9:30pm~10:30pm  EDT(GMT-4)  July 27th   Haniel (1)&Sofiel(1)
10:45pm~11:45pm EDT(GMT-4)  July 27th   Nisroc (1)&Forcas(1)
9:30pm~10:30pm  EDT(GMT-4)  July 28th   Atlantis(1)&Gaea(1)
10:45pm~11:45pm EDT(GMT-4)  July 28th   Zeus(1)

Event Rewards for each server
Multiple Fireworks *50
Happy Canister *50
Couples Canister *50
Pigeon Canister *50
Eddy Canister *50

Event Content
1. After the event has started, players will get the chance to show off their homes in the Angel Lyceum. The GM will visit players' houses and give out gifts randomly to all visitors.
2. During the event, players who are holding balls will be able to enjoy watching fireworks, while our GMs help them invite more friends to join in the fun via Super Broadcastings.

Angels Online Team, IGG