Join Party to Win Suit

Issued On: Jun. 5, 2009

IGG's 3rd anniversary is fast approaching and we are making every effort to give our players a weekend they'll never forget. All they have to do is sit down, turn on and log in to take advantage of the "Join Party to Win a Fashionable Suit"event and win stupendous rewards. We guarantee an unhealthy amount of fun for every Angel. Come and join us now! It's naughty and nice!

Event Duration
11:00am to 11:30am EDT (GMT-4) on June 6th

Event Location
Angel Lyceum in Server Branch 2

Event Content
1. After the event has started, players will get the chance to show off their homes in the Angel Lyceum. The GM will visit players' houses and give gifts at random.

2. During the event, the GM will also be summoning monsters (nearly 2,000 Gluttonous Angels and 200 Fane Priests for each server) to liven up the players homes if they are holding a ball. Making it the perfect opportunity for them to level up really fast! However, take care of yourself; otherwise, you will lose certain exp if you are killed by them.

3. The houses that are holding balls will be the first on the list to receive a visit from the GM.

4. After visiting all of the houses, the GM will choose the most charming one and present its owner with a fashionable suit egg (a Magician Male Dress Up Bag or a Magi Female Dress Up Bag for each server).

5.During the event, the GM will also be randomly giving away Elite Lucky Bag *20 (for each server) to participating players.

6. A prolific amount of fireworks will be ignited during the event. Creating the perfect opportunity to take some photos to share with your friends so that you can enjoy the festival together. ^_^



Angels Online Team,IGG