GM Helps Masters and Apprentices

Issued On: Nov. 27, 2008



Event Location

Angel Church (12, 170)


Event Duration

8:30pm~9:30pm     EST(GMT-5)    Dec  4th    Haniel(2)& Sofiel(2)
9:30pm~10:30pm    EST(GMT-5)    Dec  4th    
Nisroc(2) & Forcas(2)

9:00am~10:00am   (GMT)             Dec  4th    Havoc(2)

9:30pm~10:30pm   EST(GMT-5)     Dec  5th    Rehael(2)

8:30pm~9:30pm     EST(GMT-5)       Dec  6th      Atlantis(2)


Event Rewards

The GM will randomly give away following items such as Aurora City Scroll ,Iron Castle Scroll ,Dark City Scroll ,Breeze Woods Scroll, Mid-effect Red Potion .


Event Targets

All masters and apprentices are welcome to join us! (Join the Master and Apprentice system by clicking the page


To Enter

Reply to this post with the following format in forum Sign up:


Status: Master:

Character Name:        Server:


My Apprentices:

NO.1   Character Name:    level:          Server:

NO.2   Character Name:    level:          Server:

NO.3   Character Name:    level:          Server:

NO.4   Character Name:    level:          Server:

NO.5   Character Name:    level:          Server:



Please carefully submit character names. Players who haven’t joined the Master and Apprentice system are not qualified to take part in this event.


Event Content

1. All participants can await the GM in Angel Church. After the event starts, the GM will teleport players to an appointed location according to the sign-up order in the forum and help them kill monsters to level up fast. Abundant rewards await players.


2. During the event, all participants should be online and not AFK; otherwise, they may miss the chance to level up fast. The GM will announce whose turn it is in the general channel. Be patient!


3. The GM will organize a team with participants according to the sign-up order in the forum.



1. Would you like to find your apprentices or your master in game?

“Whisper character name content” helps you to whisper to a target which is not in your friends list.


2. Stay online during the event and you may meet your apprentices or your master.


3. Add your apprentices or your master as friends and then kill monsters together.





Angels Online Team,IGG