Super Masters Contest(3 Days Left)

Issued On: Oct. 31, 2008


The 2nd AO World Records

Super Masters Contest

In order to defeat devils, our Angels must always work hard to strengthen their power. However, individual power is limited, especially when you are still a beginner. That’s why masters are so popular in the game – they can help us grow faster. But do you know how many excellent masters there are in the game? Are you the best master around? Come on and join our Super Masters Contest. Abundant rewards await you!


Event Rewards: Angel Shell*100, Double Exp Card*3 and Battlefield Cursed Stone*1


Event Duration: Until November 2nd.


Event Location: AO forum


Event Content:

1. The master who has the most apprentices (including current apprentices and previously graduated apprentices) will be declared the winner.


2. Players should reply to the post with following information:


Server Name:

Character Name:



3. All players are welcome to submit their screenshots and descriptions of their apprentices.


4. If two masters have a same number of apprentices, whoever has higher total level of all apprentices will be the winner.


5. After the event ends, we will choose a Best Master.


6. All information you submit should be accurate and correct or you will face disqualification.


Tips: For more information about the Master and Apprentice system can visit:



Angels Online Team,IGG