Lion for Free

Issued On: Oct. 16, 2008

Recently, Michael felt very proud because his Angels fought valiantly with the monsters of the deep. He wants to encourage all Angels to fight with such honor so he will present them with a Little White Lion for free. Come on and join us! You may be the lucky one.


Event Rewards: Little White Lion



Event Duration: 11:00am to 11:30am EDT (GMT-4) on October 18th.


Event Location: Angel Lyceum (169, 89) in the server branch 2 of all servers.


Event Details:

1. After the event starts, players can gather in each server branch 2. When the color of the server branch 2 is red or purple, players there have a chance to obtain a Little White Lion from Michael.



2. The system will announce the color of each server branch 2 every 5 minutes. The more population the server has, the more opportunities players there have to obtain a reward.


3. The system will announce the winning server’s name at 11:30pm and the GM will give away a Little White Lion there. During the event, players have a chance to fight with all kinds of monsters and obtain abundant exp in the Angel Lyceum as well.



Angels Online Team,IGG