Double Exp in Weekend

Issued On: Jul. 3, 2008

Dear Angels,

The new server Forcas has been released. With your continued support,  Angels Online has improved again. As a big thank-you for your support and to help you level-up, we will continue the Double Exp event this weekend. However, only Double Skill Exp and Pet's Double Exp are available.

Event Duration: 9:00am to 5:00pm  on July 4th  EDT (GMT-4).
                         9:00am to 5:00pm  on July 5th  EDT (GMT-4).
                         9:00am to 5:00pm  on July 6th  EDT (GMT-4).

Available Targets: Double Skill Exp, Pet’s Double Exp (All Server)

Would you like to level up your skills and pets really fast? Come on and join in!

Angels Online Team,IGG