Grand Marathon Olympic Tickets Winners

Issued On: Jun. 24, 2008

Dear angels,

Four rounds of the Grand Marathon event have come to a successful end. We are really surprised at the huge number of players that took part in the event. As we predicted, it was a pretty special event for everyone involved, but there can only be a few lucky winners of those coveted Olympic Tickets.

The winners are:


Lucky Player







Let's all join together to congratulate these fine players. Remember you can still have the chance to win an Olympic Ticket by participating in our many upcoming online and offline events.

Receiving tickets:
1. Winners must contact Live Support to receive their tickets.

2. Our colleagues in Live Support will ask for your contact information in order to send you the tickets. Please ensure you provide a valid contact address to avoid any mistakes.

3. Please remember that genuine officials will never ask for your password or request that you pay extra money under any circumstances.

Angels Online Team,IGG