Mysterious Mall Item Demo Revealed!

Issued On: Oct. 26, 2009

Last month, we informed the community that we would be releasing a really special item in our Shell Mall. Now, a month passed and still there's been nothing. Thought we forgot didn't you? Well, we didn't and we've been working with the AO dev team to get this item out soon! Check details below.

Original Design:

Colored Design:

Primary Demo
(Wings on the tail have been cut off.):


Attention! These are only the initial samples, the final product has been rumored to blow players minds after only a glance!

The Shell Mall will be the only place you can buy this new item after its release. You won't find it in other versions of Angels Online. So keep checking in on the Shell Mall and keep on gathering those shells!

Check how hot this top secret new item is at:

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The Angels Online Team